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Türkiye'de Moda:

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    İsmiyle oldukça kapsamlı bir içerik vaadeden bu blog, aslında daha çok Türkiye'deki modaya (özellikle "haute couture", türkçesi "yüksek terzilik" olan ve Simmel'e göre önce elitlere ve bir süre sonra toplumun bütününe hitap eden olguya) dair bugüne dek yapılmış kaynakların bir derlemesini yapmak üzere düşünüldü. Sosyoloji okumaya ilk başladığım yıllardan beri, modayla pek alakam olmasa da ("fashionably sensitive but too cool to care" sloganını benimsemişimdir hep") gerçekleştirmek istediğim bir projenin altyapısı olma amacı taşıyor; Fransa'da bile henüz kolay kabul edilmeyen "moda sosyolojisi" kavramını bir nebze olsun Türkiye'ye aşılamayı hedefliyor. Ve bu arada, belki Türkiye'deki modayla ilgilenen kişiler için de kaynaklara kolay ulaşmak için bir araç olur. Günün birinde iyi bir analiz yapmam dileğiyle... Olur da ulaşmak isterseniz:


Posted by little drop of poison On

Turquerie was the Orientalist fashion in Western Europe from the 16th to 18th centuries for imitating aspects of Turkish art and culture. Many different Western European countries were fascinated by the exotic and relatively unknown culture of Turkey, which was part of the Ottoman Empire, and at the beginning of the period the only power to pose a serious military threat to Europe. The West had a growing interest in Turkish-made products and art, including music, visual arts, architecture, and sculptures. This fashionable phenomenon became more popular through trading routes and increased diplomatic relationships between the Ottomans and the European nations, exemplified by the Franco-Ottoman alliance and Persian embassy to Louis XIV in 1715. Ambassadors and traders often returned home with tales of exotic places and souvenirs of their adventures.[3]

The movement was often reflected in the art of the period. Music, paintings, architecture, and artifacts were frequently inspired by the Turkish and Ottoman styles and methods. Paintings in particular portrayed the Ottomans with bright colours and sharp contrasts, suggesting their interesting peculiarity and exotic nature.[4]

Fabrics were often bright, rich, and embroidered, as depicted in the painting, Himan de la Grande Mosquee by Joseph-Marie Vien in 1748. In the context of turquerie, Turkish textiles were also a luxury in the elitist European homes. They often had velvet grounds with stylized floral motifs. They were often woven in Asia Minor for the European market or, more commonly, as Venetian, under Turkish influence. Italian-styled textiles were often woven by the Ottoman Turks for the Venetians because of their cheap labour and continued business relationships.[13]

