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Kimlik, Kültür ve Sınıfsal Temsiller

  • Neden bu blog?

    İsmiyle oldukça kapsamlı bir içerik vaadeden bu blog, aslında daha çok Türkiye'deki modaya (özellikle "haute couture", türkçesi "yüksek terzilik" olan ve Simmel'e göre önce elitlere ve bir süre sonra toplumun bütününe hitap eden olguya) dair bugüne dek yapılmış kaynakların bir derlemesini yapmak üzere düşünüldü. Sosyoloji okumaya ilk başladığım yıllardan beri, modayla pek alakam olmasa da ("fashionably sensitive but too cool to care" sloganını benimsemişimdir hep") gerçekleştirmek istediğim bir projenin altyapısı olma amacı taşıyor; Fransa'da bile henüz kolay kabul edilmeyen "moda sosyolojisi" kavramını bir nebze olsun Türkiye'ye aşılamayı hedefliyor. Ve bu arada, belki Türkiye'deki modayla ilgilenen kişiler için de kaynaklara kolay ulaşmak için bir araç olur. Günün birinde iyi bir analiz yapmam dileğiyle... Olur da ulaşmak isterseniz:

Hussein Chalayan, Fashion and Technology

Posted by little drop of poison On

"Hussein Chalayan draws heavily on technology to revolutionize the form and function of clothing, often drawing inspiration from the built environment and the body's relationship to it. Chalayan's sense of the visual is true to his grasp of the practical and cultural needs resolved by clothing. What sets his work apart is the ability to explore principles that are visual and intellectual. His work represents a congruity of ideas which indicate that fashion and architecture are coming closer together than ever before. Chalayan integrates clothing with its surroundings, by making dresses look architectural but also by rendering a comprehensive understanding of different environments and the factors that create them. This article discusses Chalayan's work to date. Quinn concludes that historically, fashion has defined the human body according to social values, but technological progress is radically changing the way it is perceived. Chalayan is among the most ambitious fashion innovators today, and avoids commercially minded values and fashion trends. His work imbues garments with architectural, environmental, and technological principles; and reveals the extent to which fashion, interiors and architecture can be truly integrated in design."

A Note: Hussein Chalayan, Fashion and Technology

Author: Quinn, Bradley

Source: Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture, Volume 6, Number 4, November 2002 , pp. 359-368(10)

Publisher: Berg Publishers

